hankey wastewater pumpstation 1- phase3: mechanical and electrical equipment

Ref No:N121/2013


Start Date:24 Oct 2013

Closing Date:22 Nov 2013



notice 121/2013

hankey wastewater pumpstation 1- phase3:

mechanical and electrical equipment


The Kouga Municipality invites tenders for the Upgrading of the Hankey Pump Station 1-Phase3, which will consist of the supply and installation of the mechanical and electrical equipment.

A compulsory clarification meeting will be held on Wednesday, 30 October 2013 at the Pumpstation in Bosman Street, Phillipsville in Hankey at 10:00. An attendance register will be circulated and any contractor that submits a tender without having attended the clarification meeting will not be considered. Please note that no attendee arriving 15minutes late or more will be allowed to attend the clarification meeting.


Tender Document will be available as from Thursday, 24 October 2013 from the Registry Section, 33 Da Gama Road, Jeffreys Bay at a non- refundable fee of R200 per document.

Please note:

·         Failure to complete all supplementary/requested information will result in the tender being deemed null and void.

·         Telegraphic, telephonic, telex, facsimile, email or late tenders will not be accepted.

·         This contract will be evaluated using the 90/10 point scoring system.

·         A CIDB Contractor grading of 5ME or higher is required.

·         Prospective Service Providers must submit a valid original SARS Tax Clearance Certificate with their tender in order to be considered.

·         Prospective Service Providers must register on Kouga Municipality’s Supplier database as per requirements of registration.

·         In order to claim Preference points a valid original or certified B-BBEE Status level Verification  certificate from an SANAS registered verification agency or a registered auditor approved by the Independent Regulatory Board of Auditors (IRBA) must be submitted to validate the claim, No B-BBEE Status Level Verification Certificate- No points to be claimed.

·         The Council reserves the right to accept any tender and, or part thereof, appoint more than one contractor, and does not bind itself to accept the lowest or any tender. The Council reserves the right to appoint any contractor.

·         The validity period for submission must be 120 days from the closing date.

·         It is the Service Provider’s responsibility to ensure that their bid is deposited in the correct tender box. No bid document delivered at any other venue or tender box than the mentioned one will be considered.

Any information regarding this tender can be obtained from Mr. J. Booyens at 041 363 1900, Fax no. 041 363 1922 or email booyensj@jgi.co.za The Municipal Official responsible for this tender is Mr. E. Oosthuizen at 042 2002200 or eddieo@kouga.gov.za

Completed tenders in a sealed envelope endorsed “NOTICE NO: 121/2013:“HANKEY WASTEWATER PUMPSTATION 1-PHASE3: MECHANICAL & ELECTRICAL EQUIPMENT”, must be placed in the Tender Box in the foyer of the Municipal Offices at 33 Da Gama Road, Jeffreys Bay before FRIDAY, 22 NOVEMBER 2013 at 12:00.

S.S. FADI                                                                 P.O. Box 21

MUNICIPAL MANAGER                                        JEFFREYS BAY


For Placement:


Herald                                24 October 2013

Kouga Express                  24 October 2013

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Municipal Notice Boards in all offices/areas